About Us

Our Story
Since opening our doors in 2008, Indice Solutions has been committed to bringing the power of the Internet to our customers across the globe with innovative and easy-to-use products that are supported by unmatched customer service. One of the top leading Web hosting companies, our experience gives us the skills to guide our customers through the process of getting on the Web by continually developing new, easy-to-use features and tools that take the difficulty out of creating, promoting and having a website.

Today, we have the privilege of enabling our team to design websites and build mobile applications that not only keep people connected, but also shape the future of the digital landscape.

Strong leadership combined with an overwhelming willingness to adapt to the onslaught of new technologies has provided Indice Solutions the luxury of fulfilling our clients’ missions. Whether that means constructing a revolutionary content management system with dozens of modules or challenging our interaction design team to create meaningful relationships.

Succeeding in today’s ever changing, demanding and technology charged business world is no easy task. Our clients rest assured knowing we will help them reach the goals of their business by sharing our knowledge and expertise.

So far… our story… is one of evolution. Our evolution has made all of the difference. For us, and our clients.

Our mission is to provide an unparalleled level of service and support to our clients.

We strive to offer intuitive, simple products at the best value in the industry.

We will never bombard our clients with unwanted up-sells and in your face advertising. That's a promise.

Simple, Honest, Straight-Forward, Friendly. That's us


Being at the doorstep of the internet, we know just how important a domain name can be to your business. We take that trust our clients have in us quite seriously and that is why we go above and beyond in order to make sure they're satisfied and their domains and hosting are safe and sound in our care. That is why no matter what, night or day, there is always someone available to help. From the problem solving skills we search for when we hire, to the high level of training we give to them, all our employees are prepared and given the tools and power to help as quickly and efficiently as possible without wasting your valuable time.

We also don't believe in bombarding our clients with ads or unscrupulous up-sells. We see our relationship with our customers as long term. That said, we are honest, straightforward and friendly in everything we do and design. Whenever possible, if we can save you time, we will. We plan and execute all our products this way. As our slogan says "We thrive on making our customers happy" and it's the truth!